Sunday, 2 February 2014

These Reactions to Flappy Bird Share Your Frustration

Flappy Bird, a free app game, has taken social media by storm in the past few days. With such a simple game proving so frustrating and addicting, its no surprise that reviews have been running rampant throughout all users.

From Instagram, to App Stores, Twitter, memes and more, Flappy Bird has indeed caused a collective uproar from most of us - even though the majority cannot keep away from the little bird and pipes.

From Twitter to the App Store, frustrations have been vented through reviews, Tweets and on many other platforms.

Maybe you should listen to this "Warning" from Apple user 'flappyisevil':

While the possibility of this user breaking their father's bones is rather unlikely, I wouldn't overlook the other information. If you're this type of guy, Flappy Bird may very well haunt you. If I was the producer, I would destroy it with my "crystal skull" to ensure I don't bump into any angry customers - at least it got five stars though...

It looks like the app has also become so addicting and time consuming that once-important occasions like your daughter's marriage suddenly become unimportant. Looks like this person in the following image will be hailing Flappy Bird for a long time...

It looks like Bo Cader's obsession with the game has made him draw some far-fetched conclusions while also pondering some very important questions, like how to blink when playing the game.

Lyvia Haley warns of Flappy Bird's life-consuming powers and suggests you should keep away:

Dear married couples, Elspeth McKendrick has words of warning: 

Here's an account of a dilemma from loving the app to despising it's life takeover abilities:

You really might need to listen to this...

This meme kind of sums up the thoughts of millions of Flappy Bird players around the World. 

Even frustration came out on Instagram. Seems like asterisks are well used for this one, well used....

Looks like "the frustration is real"

Can anyone agree with this?

There's so much more I could add, enough to write a book, but that's all I could squeeze in here.


Although there was no cost in terms of money for this app, its looking like it cost a lot, emotionally, at least.

If these warnings haven't convinced you not to play, enjoy the rest of your life, playing Flappy Bird...

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